Mind Your P’s and Q’s: Christmas Gift-Giving
The holiday season is such a joyous time. It is a time that I celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and I get to spend time with family and friends. It is also a time for presents. As I have gotten older I noticed that I get just as much, if not more, pleasure from giving gifts to people but it can be a hassle trying to figure out what to give and who to give to. To free up more time with loved ones instead of stressing over Christmas presents, follow my straightforward Christmas gift giving tips this holiday season.
- Do buy gifts for service people in your life.
Holidays are the perfect time to show appreciation to people who help you in your everyday life. I am talking about your postman, barber, beautician, babysitter, dog walker, etc. The gift does not have to be pricey, just something to show that you appreciate them. Think of the gift more as a big tip. For example, if you normally pay your babysitter $25, for Christmas you could maybe double the pay or give the person a gift certificate to a nice restaurant. - Do not try your latest passion out on your friends for Christmas.
I had this one co-worker who would have a different passion every year. One year it was baked goods, the next year it was crafts. Wherever her passion led her that year, we were sure to get some type of homemade Christmas gift ranging from cookies (that I think gave me food poisoning) to what was supposed to be pumpkin scented candles that smelled like feet. While I love gifts made from the heart, if your skills are in question just leave it to the professional and buy a gift. Your friends will love you for it. - Do buy one gift for couples instead of two.
As we get older and our network becomes larger, so can the list of people to buy Christmas gifts for. One way to cut down on spending is to buy a single gift for a couple. Of course, it needs to be something they both would like such as food, wine or home decor. This rule does not apply to their children if they have any. The kiddies should get their own gift, but it does not have to be expensive. In Leah Ingram’s book, Everything Etiquette Book, she suggests adding $3 to the child’s age to find the appropriate amount to spend on their gift. - Do not forget to include the receipt with the gift.
This is one guideline that I get questioned about the most because we have been taught that to show the price of a gift is tacky. I think that it is best to include the receipt especially if it’s for clothes because it may be the wrong size, or it may not be their style. Including the receipt lets the person giving the gift feel good about the gift they gifted, while the person receiving the gift can then return it if they want. In the end, everyone is happy.